Howdy! I’m Kelly Shaw!

“Ms. Kelly” was born and raised in Austin, Texas. She is one of three kids and she and her brothers grew up with what she calls “accidental play-based learning”. It wasn’t quite an established theory yet, but her parents made sure splashing in the creek, going to dinosaur museums, and playing with friends came before any academic childhood goalposts. This helped solidify a belief in Kelly that she carried into her career as a preschool teacher: a kid can learn more on the go in the world around them than sitting in a desk or taking a test. She owes most everything about this show to her parents, a government professor and a lawyer (if you ever get into an argument with her, blame that combination).

She started writing for television out of high school, providing script consulting to production studios and contributing monologue jokes to various late night shows. Eventually, Covid-19 hit and Kelly felt the drive to go back and help her struggling community. She got credentialed and certified as a preschool teacher in the State of Texas, focusing her coursework on children’s development and children’s media. In her years as a teacher, she taught ages 2, 3 and 4 and loved them all. This show is the combination of her two passions: writing for television and helping families and their children thrive.

Kelly loves baseball, reading, old movies, and Dr. Pepper. She got married to her husband, Joshua, in 2023 (that’s why you might hear her called Kelly Wheeler at times nowadays) and is looking forward to growing her family alongside him. Although, honestly, just having a cat has its perks. . .

Parent Qualifications:

  • - Preschool teacher for 5 years in Texas and Colorado

  • - Nanny for over 10 years

  • - English tutor for 5 years, college prep tutor for 4 years

  • - Extensive child development training/schooling in the University of Texas system, plus continuing education constantly through updated coursework on relevant topics

  • - Specialized studies in play-based, social-emotional leaning

  • - Worked with families with multiple children of different ages, from 4 mo - 17 yrs

  • - Worked with pregnant mothers with older children and newly postpartum mothers

  • - Worked with children with ADHD, Autism, Down Syndrome, Selective Mutism, and various physical health complications

  • - Family-oriented and progressive thinking

  • - Dependable, thoughtful, enthusiastic, creative

Kid Qualifications:

  • - Plays ukulele, flute, kazoo, and empty soda bottles

  • - Loves swimming, playing most sports, climbing trees, etc.

  • - Water balloon tying expert

  • - Halloween costume enthusiast

  • - Cardboard box modifier

  • - Pillow fort architect

  • - Stands up to bullies and stands up for her friends

  • - Professional sock slider, hardwood floor event

  • - Bedtime story inventor and lullaby perfomer

  • - Knows riddles AND jokes and can describe the important difference